2010 - 2019
1. ERIA Study to Further Improve the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Scorecard: Malaysia Country Study
2. International Trade and Trade Policy
3. Country Report for the ERIA/AEC Scorecard 2010: Malaysia
1. Economic Research Institute of ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) Project on Liberalization of Services-FDI Climate Study and Skilled Labor Mobility Study,
2. Country Report for the ERIA/AEC Scorecard 2010: Malaysia
3. Effect of Energy Price Increase on East Asian Region’s Food Industries Interconnectedness and Integration
4. Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) Phase Two Study: Toward a More Effective ASEAN Economic Community Scorecard Monitoring System and Mechanism
5. Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA): ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint Mid-Term Review Project
6. Malaysia Productivity Corporation Study, Malaysian Productivity Corporation (MPC)
7. Kajian Semula Pelan Strategik Pembangunan Ekonomi Negeri Sembilan (Review of Strategic Economic Development Plan for Negeri Sembilan)
1. Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA): ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint Mid-Term Review Project
2. Impacts of Subsidy Rationalization on the Malaysian Economy
3. Socio-Economic Impact Study on the Second Bridge Project
4. Review of Strategic Economic Development Plan for Negeri Sembilan)
1. FTA Comparison (Phase 3) and RCEP Survey on The Use of Free Trade Agreement
2. ERIA Scorecard Phase 4- Service Sector (8th AFAS Package)
3. Study of Development Plan for The Northern Region of Sabah 2014-2030
1. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Scorecard Phase IV Project, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia
2. Development Plan for The Northern Region of Sabah, 2015-30
3. Kajian Pelan Induk Pembangunan Negeri Terengganu, 2015-25
4. Kajian Laporan Ekonomi Negeri Selangor
1. Development Plan for The Northern Region of Sabah, 2015-30
2. Kajian Pelan Induk Pembangunan Negeri Terengganu, 2015-2025
1. Kajian Pelan Induk Pembangunan Negeri Terengganu, 2015-2025
1. Kajian Pelan Pembangunan untuk Nelayan Pesisir Pantai yang terkesan akibat Projek Pembangunan di Malaysia, LKIM, Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia
1. An Economic Impact Analysis on the implementation of 5G Services in Malaysia