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1990 - 1999

1. Asian International Input-Output Table: The Malaysian Case
2. MIER Long-Range Model for The Malaysian Economy
3. The Services Sector in Malaysia and Implications of Its Deregulation
4. Perak Long-term Development Plan, 1990-2010
5. National Clearing House for Graduate and Skilled Employment (NCHGSE)
6. Economic Policies on Sustainable Development: Implementing the Brundtland Commission
7. Study of Fiscal and Other Incentives to Encourage Commercial Reforestation in Sabah
8. Palm Oil Processing Industry: Perspectives, Challenges and Prospects
9. Future of Japanese Economic Cooperation with Malaysia
10. Public Sector Manpower Master Plan Study

1. Asian International Input-Output Table: The Malaysian Case
2. MIER Long-range Model for The Malaysian Economy
3. Perak Long-term Development Plan, 1991-2010
4. Future of Japanese Economic Cooperation with Malaysia
5. Public Sector Manpower Masterplan Study
6. Malaysian Machine Tool and Metalworking Industry Survey
7. Technology and Market Strategy for the Malaysian Wood Products Enterprise: Opportunities and Barriers of Entry in Japan
8. Private Investment and Trade Opportunities (PITO)
9. Projections for Asia Industrialising Region (PAIR): Malaysia
10. Sustainable Energy Development Towards the Year 2020

1. MIER Economic Data Base
2. Projections for Asia Industrialising Region (PAIR): Malaysia
3. Long-term Macroeconomic Projections
4. Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Project
5. Regional Business Analysis on US-Malaysian Business Opportunities and Trends Project
6. Regional Business Analysis: Investing in Indo-China
7. Technology and Markey Strategy for the Malaysian Wood Products Enterprise: Opportunities and Barriers of Entry in Japan
8. New Industries of the Future
9. Technology Management and Strategy
1. Tunnelling Through to 2020: Industrial Structure and Change, Phase 2
2. Study on Japanese Economic Cooperation with Malaysia
3. Regional Study on Global Environmental Issues
4. Projections for Asia Industrializing Region (PAIR): Malaysia
5. Industry Analysis Series (formerly, Competitive Analysis of Wood-based Products Industry and Competitive Analysis of Apparel and Textile Industry)
6. Regional Business Analysis on US-Malaysia Business Opportunities and Trends Project

1. Review of Johor Long-term Economic Development Plan 1995-2010
2. Technological Change and International Inter-industrial Interdependence (TCIII) for Malaysia
3. Health Scenarios and Health Care Economics in Malaysia
4. Projections for Asia Industrialising Region (PAIR): Malaysia
5. Sustainable Energy Development Towards the Year 2020
6. Post-Industrial Master Plan (Post-IMP) Study
7. The Sarawak Capital Goods Industry Study
8. Malaysian Iron and Steel Industry Study
9. The Growth Industries and the Strategic Role of SEDC Sarawak
10. Study on Socio-economic Impact on Sama World Theme Park and Destination Resort Development at Genting Highlands

1. Review of Johor Economic Development Plan 1995-2010
2. The Impact of Sales and Service Tax on Price Level in Malaysia
3. Technological Changes and International Inter-industrial Interdependence (TCIII) for Malaysia
4. Federal-state Fiscal Relations
5. Health Scenarios and Healthcare Economics in Malaysia
6. ASEAN Sub-Regional Programme for the Fifth Cycle (ASP-5) Industry Study
7. Agricultural Development in Malaysia: Trends and Directions
8. Projections for Asia Industrialising Region (PAIR): Malaysia
9. New Industrial Master Plan (New-IMP) Study
10. The Growth Industries and the Strategic Role of SEDC Sarawak
11. Management Improvement of State Economic Development Corporation (SEDCs),

1. Projections for Asia Industrialising Region (PAIR): Malaysia
2. Second Industrial Master Plan (IMP2) Study
3. Management Improvement of State Economic Development Corporations (SEDCs)
4. Johor Industrial Action Plan

1. Projections for Asian Industrialising Region (PAIR): Malaysia
2. ASEAN Sub-Regional Programme for the Fifth Cycle (ASP-5) Industry Study
3. Study on Trade and Investment Policies in Developing Countries
4. Malaysia – Africa Trade and Investment Relationships
5. The Performance of the Johor State Revenue System
6. Johor Industrial Action Plan
7. Study on Fisheries Development Sector in Malaysia

1. Performance of the Johor State Revenue System
2. Market Structure and Competitive Dynamics in the Malaysian Food Products Sector
3. Study on Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Transfers in Asian Developing Countries
4. Study on the High Cost of Living in Johor Bahru
5. Social Impact Assessment of the Economic Crisis in Malaysia
6. Asia Pacific Agenda Project: Country Study on Governance and Sustainable Systems for Development
7. Country Study on the Social Impact of the Financial Crisis
8. Country Study on Domestic Reforms and International Cooperation
9. Fisheries Development Study in Malaysia
10. Sarawak Industrial Development Plan Study
11. AFTA Consultancy Service Study – Initial Assessment of Macroeconomic and Sectoral Issues related to Cambodian Participant in AFTA/CEPT/ UNOPS

1. Projections for Asian Industrializing Region (PAIR): Malaysia
2. The Performance of the Johor State Revenue System
3. Study on the High Cost of Living in Johor Bahru
4. Asia Pacific Agenda Project: Country Study on Governance and Sustainable Systems for Development
5. Asian Financial and Economic Crisis: Impact on The Labor Market
6. Country Study on the Social Impact of the Financial Crisis
7. Country Study on Domestic Reform and International Cooperation
8. Market Structure and Competitive Dynamics in The Malaysian Food Product Sector
9. Fisheries Development Study in Malaysia
10. Sarawak Industrial Development Plan Study
11. Study on Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Transfers in Asian Developing Countries
12. PECC Project on ASEAN Automotive Industries Study
13. Study on The Electronics Industry in Malaysia
14. Study on Industrial Networks in Asia-Malaysia
15. Promoting Investment in Science and Technology (S&T)
16. Strategic Plan to Enhance the Participation of Brunei Malay Citizen in Economic Activities
17. World Development Report 2000: The Impact of Globalisation, Localisation and Urbanisation on Development Policies in the 21st Century
18. Asian Development Bank: The Asian Financial Crisis – A Study of Macroeconomic Policies and Policy Management in Malaysia
19. Strengthening Economic and Policy Research in Laos

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