National Economic Outlook Conference
1 | 1988 National Outlook Conference Economic restructuring and the medium and long-term growth prospects | 29-30 November 1988 |
2 | 1989 National Outlook Conference Malaysian capital market development | 29-30 November 1989 |
3 | 1990 National Outlook Conference Facing the global economic challenges of the 1990s in the light of the Gulf crisis, liberalization in Eastern Europe, unification of the two Germanys and EC 1992. | 5-6 December 1990
4 | 1991 National Outlook Conference Industry and prospect for the 1990s such as telecommunications and information technology, machinery and metalworking, electronics and information industry and wood-based industry | 3-4 December 1991 |
5 | 1992 National Outlook Conference Malaysia’s industrial niches in the global economy and impact of globalization on Malaysia | 8-9 December 1992 |
6 | 1993 National Outlook Conference Industry and Technology | 7-8 December 1993 |
7 | 1994 National Outlook Conference New investment and trade opportunities in China, India and Vietnam | 6-7 December 1994
8 | 1995 National Outlook Conference Strengthening Foundations for Future Industrialisation | 5-6 December 1995 |
9 | 1996 National Outlook Conference Sustainability of Economic Growth | 3-4 December 1996 |
10 | 1997 National Outlook Conference Financial Stability for Economic Growth | 2-3 December1997 |
11 | 1998 National Outlook Conference Economic Recovery: Agenda for the Nation | 1-2 December 1998 |
12 | 2000 National Outlook Conference Growth with Stability | 20-22 November 2000 |
13 | 2002 National Outlook Conference Managing External Economic Shocks | 6-7 November 2001 |
14 | 2003 National Outlook Conference Accelerating the Growth Momentum | 17-18 December 2002 |
15 | 2004 National Outlook Conference Developing a Dynamic Capital Market | 9-10 December 2003 |
16 | 2005 National Outlook Conference Re-inventing the Economy | 7-8 December2004 |
17 | 2006-2007 National Outlook Conference Enhancing Competitiveness for Economic Growth | 6-7 December 2005 |
18 | 2007-2008 National Outlook Conference Planning for Growth and Development | 5-6 December 2006 |
19 | 2008-2009 National Outlook Conference Fifty Years of Nationhood: Taking Stock, Moving Forward | 27-28 November 2007 |
20 | 2009-2010 National Outlook Conference Enhancing Economic Resilience | 2-3 December 2008 |
21 | 2010-2011 National Outlook Conference Agenda for Economic Recovery | 1-2 December 2009 |
22 | 2011-2012 National Outlook Conference Towards Developed Country Status | 30 November – 1 December 2010 |
23 | 2012-2013 National Outlook Conference Increasing Economic Uncertainly | 22-23 November 2011 |
24 | 2013-2014 National Outlook Conference Restructuring Towards National Economic Transformation | 4-5 December 2012 |
25 | 2014-2015 National Outlook Conference Value Creation & Economic Growth – Plugging into the Global | 26-27 November 2013 |
26 | 2015-2016 National Outlook Conference Malaysia bracing the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) World beyond 2015. The Sign of Three –ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015, Economic Transformation Programme and the forthcoming Eleventh Malaysia Plan (2016-2020). | 2-3 December2014 |
27 | 2016-2017 National Outlook Conference Economic Development and Inclusive Growth | 24-25 December 2015 |
28 | 2017-2018 National Outlook Conference Becoming A High-Income Economy | 6-7 December2016 |
29 | 2018-2019 National Outlook Conference Labour Markets and Inclusive Growth | 21-22 November 2017 |
30 | 2019-2020 National Outlook Conference Technological Change and Market Efficiency | 27-28 November 2018 |
2017-2018 National Outlook Conference
Brochure and Programmed of National Economic Outlook Conference from 2014-2020